Sunday, 16 May 2010

Can you make money with a point and shoot camera?

Many people believe that to be able to sell their photos they need pro equipment and just as many people think that if someone has a pro camera that they will produce pro photos, both are wrong. The pro equipment will be better quality build but how good the photo will be is down the person using the camera. If you leave your present camera on auto all the time then I am sorry to say that buying a pro camera to leave on auto will not get you any better photos.

Can you make money from photos taken on a point and shoot camera? From the camera side it is yes, the problem in me answering the question is “you”, how well do you know how to use your camera, do you have an eye for composition, detail and colour. If you have ability or are willing to learn then yes you can make money from the photos you take on your point and shoot camera.

First, we need to start at the end, who is going to buy your photos and how are they going to be shown? If the buyer has a trained eye like that of a photo editor then you will have an harder sell than if they have no photography training buying a photo of their child. If you are blowing up the photo to 50” X 40” print then it will show all the limitations of your camera but if it was a 7” X 5” greeting card a pro would be hard pushed to tell what type of camera was used.

With so many people having digital cameras now, why should they pay for a photo when they can take their own. It will be down to you spending time and money to learn how to take better photos and not just spending money on better equipment.

All but one of the above photo was taken with a point and shoot camera, can you tell which one it is.

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